Overall Reflection
Website Arrangement
My website is arranged by pages that you can navigate through with the guide bar in the top left corner. Each project has its own page which contains all of the rough drafts, final drafts, and conference reflections. There is also a page for class participation where you can find my log, discussion, and mini presentation. My blogs 1-11 can be found on the blog page with 1 starting at the bottom. You will also find a reflections page in the guide bar, this page will contain my reflections after each project. Directly to the left of this post you will see my overall reflection. Hope you enjoy!
My overall experience in ENC 2135 has been pleasant and informative. I struggled in the beginning of class when we began project one to find something to write about. My first two drafts of project one were purposeless and vague, I couldn’t find anything I cared to write about. After my first conference with Mat it became clear I needed to make this paper my priority and find something I care about to focus on. From there I began writing about an experience I had in high school and was on the track to success. After many revisions and coming into office hours I finally created a paper I was proud of. I believe I struggled with project one because this English class is not like one I have ever taken before were you just write a paper exactly the way a teacher tells you to in a certain format. The flexibility in this class was refreshing and has brought me to enjoy writing again and given me a new confidence in my writing capabilities. With that said going into project two I was much more eager to begin this project. I have never had a class that actually influenced me to get involved before. I was participating in Dance Marathon before project 2 was introduced but it was only after I decided to use this community for my paper that I dove further with my research into this community and discovered a love I would have never known before. Using Dance Marathon as my community inspired me to talk to our Miracle Child Caden and his mom and interview them, this interview gave me a profound insight as to what Dance Marathon does and how impactful it is on the lives that are involved in it. It also inspired me to research leadership opportunities within the organization and decide to apply to be a family relations captain. Project 2 I can say was the easiest paper or assignment I have ever done because I was passionate about the topic and wanted it to be amazing. I have never been the student to get excited about school work, but I was with this project I loved telling my sorority sisters and family about it as I was creating my drafts and even shared the final draft with them. Since project 3 was based off of project 2 I was equally as excited about it. Project 3 gave me a chance to advocate awareness for Caden’s disease, Hemophilia. The best part about project 3 was writing Caden a card to express our gratitude for meeting him and being on his team for Dance Marathon. I know that every day can be a struggle for Miracle Families so it was nice to add Hope to their day. What I enjoyed about the structure of this project is that it allowed us to use genres and texts that are relevant in 2018 such as videos and social media posts. Most classes in college are nothing like this one and I believe if they were formatted similar to this one it would spark more student’s attention and get the excited about classes. Now that the semester is coming to an end and I look back I will always remember this is one of the main reasons I was inspired to become involved in dance Marathon and will always be thankful for that.